GNU Typing Trainer

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    Review GNU Typing Trainer

    Want to improve your typing skills? GNU Typing Trainer is one of the leading applications you should consider; perfect for typing with the whole hand and not only with a couple of fingers. Many people make their living typing on computers or do it for learning or studying, and lose too much time because they do not practice their typing skills.

    GNU Typing Trainer is one of the best typing applications we can recommend to both beginners and advanced users because it has 42 lessons that will allow us to improve our skills little by little. Once you have finished with all of them, you will be able to consider yourself an expert in the subject, and for sure, anything you have to type will take you much less time.

    GNU Typing Trainer screenshot
    GNU Typing Trainer screenshot 2
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    It is important to remember that GNU Typing Trainer has several learning levels, which you will have to analyze in detail when you start practicing. Looking for the one that adapts to what you intend and already knows is essential. We say this because it is logical to think that many users will try to go to more advanced levels, and then you will miss the opportunity to improve based on your current skills.

    These GNU Typing Trainer learning levels are divided intoBeginner , Intermediateand Advanced, and each of them has its lessons, so try a couple of them for a few seconds to see which one is right for you.

    One thing you have to consider about GNU Typing Trainer, which puts it at a disadvantage to similar applications, is that it doesn't use audio to get us to type what we just heard. If you are looking for a platform that works this way, you will have to look into installing another one because, unfortunately, this one we are analyzing may not meet your expectations.

    The learning method of GNU Typing Trainer does not consist of repeating as many letters and words as we hear in the shortest time possible. We will have to click on letters or symbols from a simple interface. Once we have finished with the lesson's objective, it will indicate the speed with which you have completed it, the errors you have suffered, etc.

    Something beautiful that GNU Typing Trainer has to offer is the comparison between our performance in previous lessons and the one we have just finished, something that is perfect for visualizing how our progress has been. If before we said that it does not use audio, which is a disadvantage compared to similar tools, we have to point out that this feature speaks very well of it.

    Before finishing, we did not forget that GNU Typing Trainer is a free service distributed in an open-source format, so you can modify it from its code. Unfortunately, it is not translated into other languages, although we can find it in more languages than English, and anyway, it is not an impediment to our typing lessons.

    The user interface of GNU Typing Trainer stands out above all for its simplicity, to the point that some users may consider it a bit obsolete. Beyond that, we prefer it to be outdated and old but straightforward rather than committing the opposite mistake, so we do not hesitate to give it a pass.

    If we had to point out the main positive aspects of GNU Typing Trainer, we would have to start because it is a free and open-source application without losing sight of the fact that it has a very intuitive interface. To that, we add that it offers several lessons so that it can be adapted to any user, and likewise, it allows us to compare our current and past performance.

    And the worst thing about GNU Typing Trainer? First, it does not even allow the user to decide if we want to repeat the written or heard contents, but it bets on a learning format from what is written, nothing more. On the other hand, although it is not too serious a problem, it is a pity that it is not available in Spanish because especially beginners could be grateful for it.

    In conclusion, we consider GNU Typing Trainer one of the best typing learning options we can install on our computer, although with the caveat that it is not for those looking for systems that use audio. If you are not looking for a service that takes advantage of orality, then you can be sure that with this tool, you will use the keyboard faster than ever.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is GNU Typing Trainer downloadable for Windows XP?
    Yes, this software can be downloaded and is compatible with Windows XP.
    What operating systems is it compatible with?
    This software is compatible with the following 32-bit Windows operating systems:
    Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.
    Here you can download the 32-bit version of GNU Typing Trainer.
    Is it compatible with 64-bit operating systems?
    Yes, although there is no special 64-bit version, so you can download the 32-bit version and run it on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
    What files do I need to download to install this software on my Windows PC?
    To install GNU Typing Trainer on your PC, you have to download the file to your Windows and install it.
    The file is compressed, so you can download 7-zip and unzip the file.
    Is GNU Typing Trainer free?
    Yes, this program is free so you will be able to use it without any limitations, and without additional cost.
    Are there alternatives and programs similar to GNU Typing Trainer?
    Yes, here you can see similar programs and alternatives.
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    Improves typing speed and accuracy through touch typing lessons, games, and performance evaluations.