JLCs Internet TV Download
Review JLCs Internet TV
Do you want to watch TV from the comfort of your computer? Then all you need to do is download and install an application such as JLC's Internet TV, which will allow you to access a tremendous amount of content such as sports, documentaries, movies, or series quickly and easily, without having to pay for it or register, even changing channels as many times as you think it is necessary.
Thanks to JLC's Internet TV, you can access more than 1.400 TV channels from all over the world, a list that, although it appears initially with the program, later we will be able to personalize to adapt it to our tastes. This is because this utility allows us to manually add new unavailable channels and make ratings of the ones we have been watching so that other users know if they are good.

The system will even allow you to leave comments in the reviews of the different channels so that beyond seeing their description, you can be guided by other people's suggestions, which more than once will tell you if a specific channel fulfills what it promises, or if instead, its contents are not up to par.
In case you don't find the specific channel you are looking for, you should know that JLC's Internet TV will allow you to use the integrated search engine to narrow down the list of channels shown to those that match your search patterns in just a few seconds. This way, you cannot waste a second trying to find your favorite series, movies, sports, or documentary channels.
As you use the program and see which channels you like the most, you can create a parallel list that does not show all the available options but only those among your favorites. Thus, for example, you will be able to generate a first list with your favorite science channels, another with the best current series, and the last one to follow all the sports information closely.
On the other hand, and unlike what happens with other programs that try to allow us to watch TV from the computer, you have to know that the developers of JLC's Internet TV have worked in such a way that it is a safe system. It has real-time protection against cybercriminals wanting to attack users by placing spyware, adware, viruses, and other threats through this application.
Not only that, but this software also does not become annoying at any time through the appearance of classic ads or malware that can drive us crazy in case they are placed in front of the content that interests us. You will see that, in this case, there are no advertising cuts of any kind, and once you open that series or movie, the content will play until the end without unpleasant surprises.
JLC's Internet TV also has channel filtering options that become very useful when looking for, for example, channels that belong to a specific part of the world or country and not to any other.
Suppose you have Windows Media Player installed, something common in computers running Windows operating systems. In that case, you should know that you can even integrate JLC's Internet TV to run its contents in this program. Thus, you can control your series, movies, and other content with the tools of this reproduction application.
What if I have paid subscriptions to specific channels on my cable, such as adult channels? In that case, you can also enable them in this application to watch them, as long as, as we said, you have a subscription and the user data and passwords. In this way, if you do not have a TV in the room where you use the computer, you will still be able to watch those channels without any limitations.
In general terms, we can say that JLC's Internet TV is a program that perfectly fulfills the task of allowing us to access a vast amount of television content from all over the world from our computers. Undoubtedly, we are in the presence of one of the complete tools of the segment, not only in terms of the number of audiovisual proposals but also of its many tools and options.
Of course, before we finish, we would like to point out that for JLC's Internet TV to work on your computer or anyone else's, you will need the equipment to be connected to a stable Internet network. Otherwise, you will be unable to load the content and will have to move to another network before using it.
You should also know that you can use JLC's Internet TV as if it were a portable program. Indeed it is because even though it takes a few seconds and a couple of steps before running, it does not require an installation, so that you can take it on your portable storage devices without any problems.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is JLCs Internet TV downloadable for Windows XP?
- Yes, this software can be downloaded and is compatible with Windows XP.
- What operating systems is it compatible with?
- This software is compatible with the following 32-bit Windows operating systems:
Windows Me, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98.
Here you can download the 32-bit version of JLCs Internet TV. - Is it compatible with 64-bit operating systems?
- Yes, although there is no special 64-bit version, so you can download the 32-bit version and run it on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- What files do I need to download to install this software on my Windows PC?
- To install JLCs Internet TV on your PC, you have to download the JLCs_Internet_TV_Setup.exe file to your Windows and install it.
- Is JLCs Internet TV free?
- Yes, this program is free so you will be able to use it without any limitations, and without additional cost.
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- Operating Systems
- Windows Me
- Windows 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- License
- Freeware