Open Contacts Download
Review Open Contacts
Do you have problems storing all the information of your contacts? Then you should know that Open Contacts is one of the best platforms, a digital agenda, thanks to which you will never lose valuable information of your close circle. This tool can be used by users who want to support their physical agenda and by those who want a more professional alternative to a simple Excel spreadsheet.
The raison d'être of this application is to allow us to keep all our contacts as organized as possible since, thanks to it; we have a tremendous amount of information spaces to fill in as we wish. At first, you will have to select which category the contact you are about to add belongs to, the most common ones being Friends , Family, or Work .

But the exciting thing about the case is that Open Contacts then has a massive amount of added functions, among which we can mention an integrated search engine that will allow you, in just a second, to access the datasheet of that particular person whose phone number, birthday, or home address you don't remember.
Not only that, but you can also relate contacts with each other, which is especially useful when we can't remember the name or any specific information about one of them since it will be easy to find it about another primary contact. In addition, you will never forget where you know this or that person from, avoiding misunderstandings or situations that could otherwise be a bit awkward.
Cards organize all the contacts we upload to this platform, and in them, it will be possible to enter not only the data that we could consider usual, such as name, surname, place of work, and the like, but also many others. You can add personal notes with information of your particular interest, even a reference website or a photograph of the person. If you are bad at recording faces, this will be your salvation.
Then, many of your contacts may have both personal and professional data. In those cases, you can divide one from the other to access only the ones that interest you at a given time. The organization's capacity and versatility according to each user and contact is undoubtedly the great advantage this digital agenda has over other similar ones in the same sector.
In addition, it is a system with an enormous capacity to complement other standard programs. We can mention Google Maps or e-mail clients, making the experience more complete. For example, you can launch searches in Google Maps or e-mails directly by clicking on the respective information you have in your tabs of this utility.
The same happens in case the person we have stored in the system has a website or a Skype account since by clicking on this information, we can either open the browser to know all the information of that website or, on the other hand, start a video call through Skype, as long as we have this software also previously installed on our computer.
Those who have worked professionally with programs of this type before have to know that we are in the presence that contemplates several of the functions that could be expected from a Customer Relationship Management or CRM. Indeed, it is a real marvel of customer relationship management thanks to the enormous storage customization options for each of the contacts it proposes to us.
What if I want to export the information of one or more contacts that I have stored in Open Contacts? There is no problem with that since this tool foresees this type of situation, allowing us to export the files of each of the contacts' files in different formats, including CSV, XLM, and Excel.
And on the other hand, you can also import contacts from many platforms, among which we can mention Netscape/Mozilla, Eudora, XML, CSV, vCard, and e-mail clients such as Outlook.
And all this, not to mention that you can create family trees in case you are working on them, create a section of a particular company, and add employees belonging to it, among many other attractive options.
Of course, we always discuss the interface of the programs we analyze. In this case, we are far from witnessing one of the most eye-catching from the visual point of view, although this is also related to the fact that it must offer a tab-like format that does not allow much room for maneuver. Although the aesthetics of Open Contacts could easily be improved, it is not a point we consider great relevance in this case.
In short, when organizing all your family or work acquaintances and friends, there are few platforms as complete and customizable as Open Contacts, which is also completely free. You will be able to export or import as many contacts as you have, and you will no longer have to worry about where you know that person from or the name of the person in charge of a particular company.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is Open Contacts downloadable for Windows 7?
- Yes, this software can be downloaded and is compatible with Windows 7.
- What operating systems is it compatible with?
- This software is compatible with the following 32-bit Windows operating systems:
Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000.
Here you can download the 32-bit version of Open Contacts. - Is it compatible with 64-bit operating systems?
- Yes, although there is no special 64-bit version, so you can download the 32-bit version and run it on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- What files do I need to download to install this software on my Windows PC?
- To install Open Contacts on your PC, you have to download the OpenContacts6.zip file to your Windows and install it.
The OpenContacts6.zip file is compressed, so you can download 7-zip and unzip the file. - Is Open Contacts free?
- Yes, this program is free so you will be able to use it without any limitations, and without additional cost.
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- Category
- Operating Systems
- Windows 7
- Windows 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows NT
- Windows 2000
- License
- Freeware