OpenProj Download
Review OpenProj
Are you looking for an application that allows you to manage all your projects and tasks in an advanced way? You probably know that although the options are many in terms of the Windows operating system, not all are functional. Indeed, on this particular occasion, we did not want to stop talking about a service that you may find very interesting, as is the case of OpenProj.
As we were saying then, in OpenProj, we will find an ideal platform for managing many of our projects and organizing all kinds of tasks, which most programs offer only when paid. In this case, although there is a paid alternative to the same system, we can say that we are sure that more than one user will be satisfied with this free one.

As its name suggests, OpenProj is an open-source utility, so even if you know the field, you can make specific modifications to its operation thanks to access to the code. Beyond this, it stands out for its usability since it is software that, in just minutes, will allow you to create all the projects you want without task limits or anything like that.
All the tasks we want can be added to a timeline, even with the possibility of assigning a priority to each of them, a detail not minor considering that many times we may have obligations further away in time that requires us to start working on them right away. In particular, we found this feature of assigning priority to each task to be one of the most exciting features of this service.
OpenProj's features do not end there; you can assign all resources available on your computer to those tasks, create dependencies between them in case two or more are connected, etc. Nor should you lose sight of the fact that it is possible to search for specific tasks, filtering them by their name, the state they are in, the cost we assume to carry them out, etc.
Beyond this, in general terms, we must say that the usability of OpenProj is excellent since everything you want to do you do in just seconds, with a vast amount of tables and schemes at your disposal to always look for the perfect organization. We have to add then its graphs that allow us to visualize and intuitively the status of all our projects.
And as if all of the above were not enough, OpenProj will also allow you to import protectors that you have created with other applications in the same segment, such as Oracle Primavera, so if you have been working with it, you will not have any problems. We rarely see this compatibility since most programs try to eliminate the competition directly, so we thank the developers for including it.
Two last details before finishing with the analysis of OpenProj. In the first instance, we said it is a free program with a paid version that removes some restrictions and adds specific, otherwise inaccessible functions. On the other hand, you have to consider that to run this application on your PC without any problems; you will have to install Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or higher.
The user interface of OpenProj is another aspect we didn't want to miss, in this case, to say that we liked it very much. It is attractive to the eye, has a perfect organization of all the contents, is clean as it does not incorporate superfluous elements, and is completely translated into Spanish as if all the above were not enough.
If we had to point out the main positive points of OpenProj, we would undoubtedly have to talk about one that differentiates it from most of the similar applications that exist in the market, and that is the graphics that allow a simple and highly intuitive follow-up of all the tasks that we have programmed. Then, you will see that it has other exciting features, but none as different as this one.
And what did we find the worst thing about OpenProj? Without any doubt, the fact that the work calendars start on Sunday, although this is not the worst thing in itself, but the fact that it costs a bit to modify it to start on Mondays. It seems to us a problem that several users will try to avoid at all costs, and as, unfortunately, it cannot be easily modified from the program, some will end up opting for other software.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a task and project manager that is free, complete, and has compatibility with jobs you have previously developed on similar platforms, OpenProj should be your choice. It has the ease of use and variety of tools you would expect in this case, so don't hesitate to give it a try because you won't regret it.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is OpenProj downloadable for Windows XP?
- Yes, this software can be downloaded and is compatible with Windows XP.
- What operating systems is it compatible with?
- This software is compatible with the following 32-bit Windows operating systems:
Windows Me, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98.
Here you can download the 32-bit version of OpenProj. - Is it compatible with 64-bit operating systems?
- Yes, although there is no special 64-bit version, so you can download the 32-bit version and run it on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- What files do I need to download to install this software on my Windows PC?
- To install OpenProj on your PC, you have to download the openproj-1.4.msi file to your Windows and install it.
- Is OpenProj free?
- Yes, this program is free so you will be able to use it without any limitations, and without additional cost.
Also, this software is open source, which means that you will be able to download the source code of the program, and if you are knowledgeable enough, you will be able to see how the software works internally and modify its functionality.
- Category
- Operating Systems
- Windows Me
- Windows 2003
- Windows XP
- Windows NT
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- License
- Open Source